
Google Drive search on iOS gets better filtering options

Google Drive search on iOS gets better filtering options

Google Drive for iOS has introduced a new feature that allows users to filter searches using dropdown menus for File Type, Owners, and Last Modified. This update was announced by Google in its Workspace Updates blog on Friday. The dropdown menus appear both before and after conducting a search, and relevant filter recommendations are displayed as users type.

According to Google, this update is available for Google Workspace customers, individual subscribers, and anyone with a personal Google account on iOS. Although the feature has not yet been rolled out for Android users, Google has confirmed that it will be coming soon.

The new filter update significantly enhances the search and browsing experience for files, especially when users are unsure of their exact location. For example, if a user is searching for a video stored in Drive but doesn't know its name, they can simply tap on the Videos file type and then choose "custom range" under the last modified option to search within a specific time period. Users have expressed interest in seeing additional filtering options based on different types of dates or file sizes.

This update represents a notable improvement over Google's previous approach, which included filter suggestions and swipeable filters. The introduction of dropdown menus has been well-received by users, highlighting their effectiveness in enhancing user experience.

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