
WhatsApp rolls out new text formatting features for enhanced messaging

WhatsApp rolls out new text formatting features for enhanced messaging

WhatsApp has introduced four new text formatting options, enriching communication on Android, iOS, and web platforms, including the Channels feature. Users can now utilize bulleted and numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code formats in addition to existing options like bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace.

The aim is to enhance readability and organization within messages. Bulleted lists, initiated with a "-" symbol, aid in itemizing information, such as shopping lists or agenda points. Numbered lists, activated with digits and a period, are ideal for step-by-step instructions, like recipes or workflows.

Block quotes, introduced with the ">" symbol, help highlight significant text within longer messages. This format is beneficial for emphasizing quotes or important information. The inline code format, activated by enclosing text with "`" symbols, caters to coders and users emphasizing specific text.

These additions address users' long-standing desire for more sophisticated message structuring on WhatsApp. The inclusion of bulleted and numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code enhances clarity and organization, meeting a broader range of messaging needs for personal, professional, and coding purposes.

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