


HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH 2023: During National Hispanic Heritage Month, from September 15 – October 15, the U.S. government celebrates the countless contributions of more than 60 million Hispanic Americans, Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx-identifying people to our culture and society.

Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in the United States today, and generations of Hispanic Americans have consistently helped make our country strong and prosperous.

They contribute to our Nation beyond description. Hispanic Americans embody the best of our American values, including commitment to faith, family, and country. The Hispanic-American community has left an indelible mark on our government, culture, and economy.

During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we recognize the contributions and the important presence of Hispanic and Latin Americans in the U.S. and within the Department of State. In partnership with the Hispanic Employee Council of Foreign Affairs Agencies (HECFAA), the Department highlights biographies of Hispanic employees who support diplomatic efforts around the world.


Hispanic Heritage Month

HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH 2023: Hispanic Heritage Month is a month-long celebration in the United States that honors the contributions, cultures, and histories of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. 

It is observed from September 15 to October 15 each year, spanning two significant dates in Latin American history: the independence days of several Latin American countries.

The start date, September 15, marks the anniversary of independence for several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico and Chile also celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. The end date, October 15, coincides with the anniversary of Columbus Day, which is observed in the United States.

During Hispanic Heritage Month, various events and activities are organized across the country to celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions, contributions, and achievements of Hispanic and Latino communities. These may include cultural festivals, art exhibitions, educational programs, music and dance performances, food tastings, and discussions on important topics related to the Hispanic community.

The month serves as an opportunity to increase awareness and understanding of the rich and diverse heritage of Hispanic and Latino Americans, as well as to foster appreciation for their significant contributions to the nation's history, culture, and society.


Significance of Hispanic Heritage Month

HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH 2023: Hispanic Heritage Month holds great significance for several reasons:
  • Celebrating Diversity and Heritage: It provides a platform to celebrate and honor the diverse cultures, traditions, and rich heritage of Hispanic and Latino communities in the United States. It highlights the unique identities, languages, and customs of these communities.
  • Recognizing Contributions: It allows for recognition and acknowledgment of the contributions and achievements made by Hispanic and Latino Americans throughout history. This includes contributions in various fields such as arts, sciences, politics, sports, and business.
  • Educational Opportunities: Hispanic Heritage Month offers educational opportunities to learn about the history, struggles, triumphs, and experiences of Hispanic and Latino Americans. It helps raise awareness about the challenges they have faced and continue to face, as well as their resilience and strength.
  • Cultural Exchange and Understanding: It encourages cultural exchange and fosters a deeper understanding of the diverse backgrounds within the Hispanic and Latino communities. It promotes unity and bridges gaps by allowing for dialogue and interaction.
  • Promoting Inclusivity and Unity: The observance promotes inclusivity and unity by inviting individuals from all backgrounds to join in and learn about the rich Hispanic cultures. It emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity and creating a more inclusive society.
  • Inspiring Future Generations: By highlighting successful Hispanic and Latino individuals and their stories, it inspires future generations within these communities. It encourages them to pursue their goals and dreams, knowing that their heritage and culture are valued.
  • Strengthening Community Bonds: Hispanic Heritage Month brings communities together, strengthening bonds among Hispanic and Latino individuals and creating a sense of pride and belonging. It encourages collective celebration and empowerment.
  • Public Awareness and Advocacy: The month raises public awareness about important issues affecting Hispanic and Latino communities, such as immigration, education, healthcare, and social justice. It serves as a platform for advocacy and action to address these challenges.
HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH 2023: Overall, Hispanic Heritage Month is a significant period that highlights the importance of cultural diversity and the invaluable contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the fabric of the United States. It's an opportunity to reflect, appreciate, and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all.


History of Hispanic Heritage Month

HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH 2023: The history of Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States can be traced back to a series of events and initiatives aimed at recognizing and celebrating the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans.
  • 1968: Hispanic Heritage Month traces its origins to the 1968 legislation initiated by Representative Edward R. Roybal. He introduced a bill, H.J. Res. 1299, to recognize the week including September 15 and 16 as National Hispanic Heritage Week. September 15 was chosen as the starting point because it is the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
  • President Lyndon B. Johnson: On September 17, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Proclamation 3869, officially proclaiming National Hispanic Heritage Week. In his proclamation, he encouraged the American people to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
  • Expansion to a Month-Long Celebration: In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed into law Public Law 100-402, which expanded the week-long celebration to a month. The law established Hispanic Heritage Month, starting on September 15 and ending on October 15.
  • Ratification and Continued Observance: Since then, every U.S. president has issued annual proclamations designating the 30-day period as Hispanic Heritage Month. It is a time to celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans.
The month was expanded to provide a longer period for educational activities and events that showcase the achievements, history, arts, and culture of Hispanic and Latino communities. It includes celebrations of the independence days of multiple Latin American countries and serves as a time for reflection on the important role Hispanic and Latino Americans have played and continue to play in shaping the nation.

HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH 2023: Overall, Hispanic Heritage Month has become a significant and widely recognized celebration in the United States, fostering understanding, appreciation, and unity among the diverse population that comprises the Hispanic and Latino communities.

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