
WhatsApp Rival Signal Launches New Feature That Keeps Users Phone Numbers Private

WhatsApp Rival Signal Launches New Feature That Keeps Users Phone Numbers Private

Signal is introducing a significant privacy update, altering how phone numbers are shared on the messaging platform. Soon, Signal users will have their phone numbers visible only to those who have saved the user's number in their device contacts. 

Additionally, users can create a unique username for conversations, offering an alternative contact method that remains distinct from the phone number. This username feature doesn't replace display names in chats and can be shared via QR code or link.

While phone numbers will be hidden by default from those not saved in contacts, users can adjust this setting based on their communication preferences. This optional setting allows users to limit who can find them by phone number, enhancing control over privacy within the app. The feature is currently in beta, and once rolled out, users will experience increased autonomy over their Signal account visibility.

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