
Android 15 Developer Preview - New Partial Screen Sharing and New Privacy Update

Android 15 Developer Preview - New Partial Screen Sharing and New Privacy Update

Google has unveiled the first developer preview of Android 15, providing insights into key changes and improvements focusing on user privacy, powerful developer tools, and optimized performance. Some highlighted features include enhanced camera controls for app developers, virtual MIDI 2.0 device support, and updates to the Privacy Sandbox for improved user data handling in advertising.

The Android 15 preview introduces an optimized performance framework, enabling developers to manage CPU/GPU workloads and enhance thermal efficiency. The update also expands Health Connect capabilities for aggregating health and fitness data, offering a more comprehensive view of user wellness metrics.

In terms of security, Android 15 introduces cryptographic protection for app files, using the fs-verity tool in the Linux kernel to ensure file integrity.

Currently compatible only with Google's Pixel devices, including Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Tablet, Pixel Fold, Pixel 8, and Pixel 8 Pro, the stable Android 15 is expected to release several months after achieving platform stability in June, following the pattern seen with the release of Android 14 last year.

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