

  • Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors who visit a website and then leave after only visit one page. Bounce Rate ranges between 0% to 100%. The exact formula to calculate bounce rate is:
Rb = Tv/Te
  • A lot of people are confused between bounce rate and exit rate. In a way, both rates are used to calculate a visitor existing the site. However, the distinction between those two is that Bounce Rate is for one page or one visit only, whereas Exit Rate is for the whole site. 
Direct Traffic Bounce Rate
  • Direct traffic is basically when a visitor type in a url in the search bar directly. Usually, this the least you should be concerned with. Unless majority of you traffics comes from direct traffic and the direct traffic bounce rate is very high, over 60% or so, then you need to be really concerned.
Referring Site Bounce Rate
  • This traffic is usually from the related sites. This type of bounce rate is low, because it usually happens when people are interested in the topic, so they want to learn more. 
  • On the other hand, if you are experiencing high referring site bounce rate, you need to check your back-linking sites, make sure they are closely related and your content is relevant to their audience; you should request removal of context back-links from the sites that is not related to yours. In average, referring site bounce rate is around 20 percent or less.
Search Traffic Bounce Rate
  • There are two type of search traffic: paid search traffic and organic search traffic. If you are experiencing high bounce rate of paid search traffic, then you will need to re-evaluate your Adwords campaigns, and find out which keywords and what events that trigger the high bounce rates. 
  • Normally, search traffic bounce rate is around 30 percent or less. This can be your main concern if you have a very high bounce rate. There are actually many ways that can lower your website’s bounce rate. 
Top 6 things in order to lower the bounce rate

1. Website Speed
  • This one is no-brainer; you want your site to load as faster it could. No one wants to stay on a site that takes more than 10 seconds to load.
2. Responsive
  • Everyday, more people are switching to smartphone. If you want to gain a piece of mobile traffics, you better make sure your site is responsive. Again, using mobile, no one wants to stay long on a website that is not responsive; it is simply too hard to read and navigate.
3. Make it Readable
  • Hey, not very one got a PhD, so make it as simple as possible. Basically, just get right to the point. Instead of a long paragraph, turn it into several paragraphs. Instead of writing a paragraph about all list of things, turn them into a list.
4. Website Color
  • Again, the contrast colors between your website background and your content should be high and colors should be comfortable to the eyes. So that visitors are able to continue reading.
5. Create a Helpful 404 Page
  • It is very common that sometimes webmasters might need to change or delete certain pages or permalinks because of certain reasons. When that happens, and if a visitor tries to access the page, it will return 404 not found page. 
  • A lot of people neglect the fact that if 404 page is not being optimized, people would just leave once they are landing on not found page. 
  • Instead of that, we can implement search engine on the 404 page, so people can actually search for related articles on the site. 
  • Another way to deal with a not found page is to redirect the not found page to a related page, so that visitors can still get what they are looking for.
6. Split Up Long Posts
  • This is actually a really good technique to reduce your bounce rate if your article is very interesting and contain valuable information. 
  • Let’s be honest, no one wants to read a very long article. So if you have a long interesting article, turn it into several topics or articles.

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