

Users Sitemap & Archive - WordPress Plugin
  • The Users Sitemap WordPress Plugin makes it easy to create a user's / author's archive for easy browsing with just a few clicks. 
  • As well as a human browsable archive of users the plugin also activates an XML sitemap for users of your WordPress website to be listed so search engines can find parts of your website it struggled too before.
SEO Plus — Search Optimize Your WordPress Website
  • SEO+ is the easiest and fastest solution for optimizing your WordPress website and tracking progress for search engines. With all the built-in tools you’ll need, your website will soon overpower its competitors.
  • AccuRank is a premium feature included in this plugin. Google PageRank is updated a few times per year (usually) and is a whole number between 0 and 10. 
  • AccuRank is a more accurate PageRank estimation, updated every few days, and is a decimal number ranging from 0.0 and 10.0.
  • If your AccuRank is 2.5, then the chances are, next time the Google PageRank is updated, your PageRank will be 2 (round down your AccuRank).
  • Litemap is an incredibly light-weight on-site sitemap generator. Capable of paging hundreds of thousands of posts/pages, it gives you controls to list your blogs posts and/or pages alphabetically or by date published. Order ascending or descending.
  • Choose how many items you want to show per page, and the style of paging you require (either Prev / Next links or Page 1 2 3 etc). 
  • Finally, insert the shorttag [litemap] onto a page to show your sitemap. Perfect for deep linking and more effective indexation for your Wordpress blog.

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